This is my day to register, as I am part of the last group of current students to do so (bloody system) and I wanna beat the rush. Only I have no computer. Sure, I could probably wait till 7 or even 8 a.m., but why not suffer a little? So trudge I did, for I needed a spot in French 101.
That's how bad the lack of spots in Spanish classes is. I'm taking French, for Chrissake. Now I'm never gonna hear the end of it from my family. (I also just learned that the automatic spellchecker recognizes "chrissake" but not "spellchecker." Neat-o.)
Busy day, busy weekend ahead. Later today, I have a study board "thing" at 10, a speech at 11:30, packing, eating and a flight to catch down in Nashville at 7:30, which I need to check in for online still.
And the prom is tomorrow. After I get my new license. Yay driving, yay lines. [Read that second "yay" as "fuck"]. Also yay bumpin' grind music woooooo. [Good story, Ray!]
And this is where you, the reader, snap back and say, "sit down and shut up, Sparky. I do worse every day."
Yeah, you do. That doesn't mean I have to like what I'm doing.
Now it,s time for the incredible adventures of...
If the following does not scream pretentious liberal arts snob...
What does?
What the hell have I become?! And the awful truth is...
Now I'm hungry. A bit of a dilemma considering breakfast doesn't happen for another hour and a half. Bleh.
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