Thursday, April 12, 2007

Dean Dean Kahler (OR: I might as well dress the part)

Today mark my first really big interview since Dave Stewart. Never mind it took me a good two weeks to finally nail down some time. It got done and now I can go about no failing Public Affairs Reporting. Not failing is always a good thing.

I got Dean Kahler, the Dean of Admissions, to sit down for a few minutes so I could actually ask a few questions. This was just enough, though I'll admit I could've asked a few more. The only problem was that he didn't have the information I was hoping he'd have.

As is usual in these situations, I got myself gussied up, and borrowed an iron to do so. Ever try to iron a shirt on a half-size ironing board...on your own bed? THAT is the kind of thing college does to you. Never mind the whole education thing; half of your education comes from living in a college dorm room. This teaches you how to utilize space and resources to the max. Your bed is everything....sleeping quarters, couch, study pad, and even a dinner table, if your desk isn't usable. And to think I'll have even less space in PFT next year. Oh god.

Anyway, I definitely look like a yuppie. God, I pull this look off. Too well.

I took a shower last night, and one this morning to obliterate my cowlick - not that it worked. And never mind that I forgot to shave.

In something completely off-topic, there has been a shit-ton (pronounced "shihton", emphasis on the second syllable) of high school kids all over campus. At first, I wanted to impress these kids, not for my sake, but for the university. Yes, I'm still a dork like that. But now, they are a plague, taking up valuable eatin' space in the food court. And they have apparently never used a soda fountain before, as they take forever. (Yes, a soda fountain. That's the only time I call it soda. It's POP dammit!) God, when they start, living in Schneider Hall next year...

So at this point, I'm all dressed up and I have nothing to do. Sounds like time for lunch.


1 comment:

wedoitonastage said...

Damn thing deleted my message when I hate to sign up. Fucker.

Anywho, I was just making a few jokes, a few uncalled for puns, and a few sarcastic quips.

Wait, dry humour? Jennie? Never!

Anyway, give us a call sometime--we like hearing from you, not little birdies.