Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Me (OR: Obligatory 'What the hell's going on here' post)

Ray Lockman is a strange child.

That's the first thing you need to know. I am not quite what most people consider normal. I'm a fairly simple guy, and I have a few passions. But I guess "quirky" would be a good way to describe me ("quirky" here meaning "what in the hell is wrong with that boy?").

I am not the complete prototypical yuppie child, but I'm damn close. Born and raised in the suburbs of Columbus (a city much like myself - secretly liberal, but insisting on moderation), now attending a moderately large public university (albeit in Kentucky). And to top it all off, I'm a Journalism major.


I enjoy many things, despise a few, and I generally tolerate the stuff in between. I'm the man or boy or male or whatever you call me that I am, and I try to live my own life. I have my failures and weaknesses, as much as we all do or more, and I do my fair share of self-destruction. (Hoorah vodka!)

I'm a proud Lutheran being educated in the start of Baptist territory. Actually, one of my professors describes Southern Kentucky and Tennessee as "the buckle of the Bible Belt." I do believe that makes Northern Alabama and Georgia the sweaty crotch. Anyone who's spent a summer there wouldn't argue with that.

Western Kentucky University is my current home, and I'm content here. It's a good six-hour drive between here and home, but I manage to survive. The occasional visit home is always a fun time, unless I have trouble with Greyhound. Fuck Greyhound.

Western is a neat little school; we're smack dab in the middle of a huge change in the profile of the school from regional to national. Like a lot of out-of-state kids, I'm here for the Journalism program. We are considered a bit a scourge to the locals. A scourge that thinks better of itself than any stuck up it's own ass scourge should, but a scourge nonetheless.

When I'm at home and they're in session, I am also a part-time student of The Ohio State University ("part-time" here meaning I mooch meal swipes and do everything but go to classes.).

More or less, that's a start to me. Of course, if that's all there was to myself...even I'd hate to read this. That's why I'm saving the tasty tidbits for whenever I come up with 'em.

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