Friday, November 9, 2007

The Sixty Five (OR: You Know November Has Come)

Only one test seperates me from the trip now, and I cannot state how excited I am. Though, honestly, I'm a bit subdued at the moment after a little less sleep than I'd have cared for. I'm also disgruntled that Firefox on the CSCC Comp. Lab doesn't include spellcheck - no, I shouldn't be so reliant upon it, but it's nice to catch those screw-ups, no?

Anyway, I'm merely two hours, one test and one skipped (well, to-be-skipped) class, off, and I'll hop on I-71. Y'know, we don't get the cool insterstate names here in the Midwest. In California, there's the I-5, that runs up the coast from San Diego on. The I-5. It sounds so cool, so breezy...two-seventy? That's just a bulky sense of blah (don't even get me started on Cincinnati...the 471?!)

So yeah, I'm gonna get off track a lot here.

My basic itinerary includes a stop in Louisville tonight and Monday, a party, a Homecoming game, and some good old fashioned spontaneity. I still don't know for sure where I'm sleeping Sunday night, and that's fine by me.

I'll update, possibly as we go along, most likely after the fact, when my bank account has been throttled and my wicked liver has been sedated with adult beverages (as the Movie Tavern menus are so fond of saying). It's gonna be a pretty neat-o weekend. I haven't been this giddy since Disneyland.

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