Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ray, and His Lack of Sleep (OR: 1 a.m. rant)


One word describes me this week, and agitated is a good shot.

I haven't slept peacefully, slept well...slept heartily, since forever ago, really. And I think that's part of my issue. I really wanted to catch Shaun of the Dead or L.A. Confidential since I have 'em both, but I think I might heed my own advice, for once. Hell, I can hardly type well, I'm missing the same letters over and over. It took me four tries to type "advice" a few sentences ago.

Hanna and I have been discussing this, and school really gave us more than we anticipated. The summer has already been a challenge, and I'm two weeks in. What happens if I get a 6 a.m. job?

"Sleep without pets, without phones, without a million things to do, without parents...solid...good...restful...needed sleep. No waking up in the middle of the night because home doesn't feel like home anymore.

That, quickly, is my summer.

Oh, how I miss my freshman year.

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