Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I Should Be Working on the Fence


Tonight is my first night of training at BW3's, my brand new job. I'm cookin' in the kitchen, makin' wings n stuff.

I don't care that I'll spending my summer in a hot, steamy kitchen at a sports bar. There is far worse in this world, and from all I've heard, it's going to be a terrific time. Besides, sports while I work.? What kind of hellhole is that?

More importantly, I finally have a job. At long last, I won't be sitting on my ass all day, making no money. I've got a job that will not only give me hours, but that gives me flexibility in the fall. I'll have my carcass at Columbus State then, but I'll still be spending money.

Originally, I was going to be working at Marzetti's on Frank Road. I'd be sitting in a factory from three in the afternoon until one in the morning. Not exactly ideal, now is it? I wasn't necessarily dreading it, as it was a steady paycheck, which is more than I can say now, but that's a lot of tedious, monotonous work for it. 10 hours is almost too much to ask from me - "almost" because I really had little choice until I got a call from the BW3's manager Sunday morning. By that evening, I had a job.

After the last month or so that I've had, it's nice to see that things really end up working out well. It's not going to be the same as working in the zoo, but I'll find a way, I'm sure.

Not like I have a choice.

1 comment:

pokaspot88 said...

It's not bad.. I'm not a cook.. but.. I like it. And you get paid really good money.. better than I.. or that is according to my co-worker.. so.. if you don't actually make that.. blame her.. I'm sure you probably do though.

Buffalo Wild Wings is a million times better then.. than.. then.. (damn, you make me doubt myself).. a 10 hour day at a chip dip plant. And sports.. which you probably can't really see, but they are there..

Congratulations on getting zee job.. well, more congratulations.
